Conference Papers:
"Onions Got Puzzled: On the Challenges of Mitigating Denial-of-Service Problems in Tor Onion Services"
Jinseo Lee, Hobin Kim, Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of USENIX Security (USENIX Security), Aug 2025.
(To Appear)
"Understanding User Privacy Perceptions in Video Conferencing: Insights from a Feature-Specific User Study"
Hobin Kim, Wonho Song, Joseph Seering, and Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2025.
(To Appear)
"Fork State-Aware Differential Fuzzing for Blockchain Consensus Implementations"
Wonhoi Kim*, Hocheol Nam*, Muoi Tran, Amin Jalilov, Zhenkai Liang, Sang Kil Cha, and Min Suk Kang
(*co-first authors)
In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (IEEE/ACM ICSE), Apr 2025.
(To Appear)
"Measuring DNS-over-HTTPS Downgrades: Prevalence, Techniques, and Bypass Strategies"
Jinseo Lee, David Mohaisen, Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT), Dec 2024.
(To Appear)
"Enabling Physical Localization of Uncooperative Cellular Devices"
Taekkyung Oh, Sangwook Bae, Junho Ahn, Yonghwa Lee, Tuan Dinh Hoang, Min Suk Kang, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Yongdae Kim
In Proceedings of International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom), Nov 2024.
(To Appear)
"On the Sustainability of Bitcoin Partitioning Attacks"
Jaehyun Ha, Seungjin Baek, Muoi Tran, Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), May 2023.
"Partitioning Ethereum without Eclipsing It"
Hwanjo Heo, Seungwon Woo, Tae Ung Yoon, Min Suk Kang (corresponding), Seungwon Shin
In Proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February 2023.
(To Appear)
"Preventing SIM Box Fraud Using Device Fingerprinting"
BeomSeok Oh, Junho Ahn, Sangwook Bae, Mincheol Son, Yonghwa Lee, Min Suk Kang, Yongdae Kim
In Proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February 2023.
(To Appear)
"On Privacy Risks of Watching YouTube over Cellular Networks with Carrier Aggregation"
Nitya Lakshmanan, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Byoungjun Choi, Roger Zimmermann, Jun Han, and Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of ACM IMWUT/UbiComp 2022
"Short Paper: On the Claims of Weak Block Synchronization in Bitcoin"
Seungjin Baek*, Hocheol Nam*, Yongwoo Oh, Muoi Tran, and Min Suk Kang
(*co-leading authors)
In Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), February 2022
“Privacy of DNS-over-HTTPS: Requiem for a Dream?”
Levente Csikor, Himanshu Singh, Min Suk Kang, and Dinil Mon Divakaran.
In Proceedings of IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE EuroS&P), Sept 2021
“On the Routing-Aware Peering against Network-Eclipse Attacks in Bitcoin”
Muoi Tran, Akshaye Shenoi, and Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of USENIX Security (USENIX Security), Aug 2021
“A Stealthy Location Identification Attack Exploiting Carrier Aggregation in Cellular Networks.”
Nitya Lakshmanan, Nishant Budhdev, Min Suk Kang, Mun Choon Chan, and Jun Han.
In Proceedings of USENIX Security (USENIX Security), Aug 2021
“DIDA: Distributed In-Network Defense Architecture Against Amplified Reflection DDoS Attacks.”
Xin Zhe Khooi, Levente Csikor, Dinil Mon Divakaran, and Min Suk Kang.
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), May 2020
“A Stealthier Partitioning Attack against Bitcoin Peer-to-Peer Network.”
“Tuple Space Explosion: A Denial-of-Service Attack against a Software Packet Classifier”
Levente Csikor, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Min Suk Kang, Attila Korosi, Balazs Sonkoly, David Haja, Dimitrios Pezaros, Stefan Schmid, Gabor Retvari
In Proceedings of ACM Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), December 2019. Acceptance rate: 16.8% (32 of 190)
“Practical Verifiable In-network Filtering for DDoS Defense”
Deli Gong, Muoi Tran, Shweta Shinde, Hao Jin, Vyas Sekar, Prateek Saxena, Min Suk Kang
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), July 2019
“SurFi: Detecting Surveillance Camera Looping Attacks with Wi-Fi Channel State Information”
“On the Feasibility of Rerouting-based DDoS Defenses.”
“Obscuro: A Bitcoin Mixer using Trusted Execution Environments.”
“VeriCount: Verifiable Resource Accounting Using Hardware and Software Isolation”
Shruti Tople, Soyeon Park, Min Suk Kang and Prateek Saxena.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS), July 2018. Acceptance rate: 21%
“Defending Against Evolving DDoS Attacks: A Case Study Using Link Flooding Incidents.”
Min Suk Kang, Virgil D. Gligor, and Vyas Sekar.
In Proceedings of Security Protocols Workshop (SPW), April 2016.
“SPIFFY: Inducing Cost-Detectability Tradeoffs for Persistent Link-Flooding Attacks.”
Min Suk Kang, Virgil D. Gligor, and Vyas Sekar.
In Proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February 2016. Acceptance rate: 15.4% (60 of 389)
Finalist for CSAW’16 Applied Research Competition.
“Routing Bottlenecks in the Internet: Causes, Exploits, and Countermeasures.”
“CoDef: Collaborative Defense Against Large-Scale Link-Flooding Attacks.”
“The Crossfire Attack.”
“Selfish Manipulation of Cooperative Cellular Communications via Channel Fabrication.”
Shrikant Adhikarla, Min Suk Kang, and Patrick Tague.
In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), April 2013.
“A study on the green cellular network with femtocells.”
Donghan Chee, Min Suk Kang and Howon Lee, Bang Chul Jung.
In Proceedings of IEEE Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), June 2011
“A Cognitive p-Persistent CSMA Scheme for Spectrum Sharing Based Cognitive Radio Networks.”
Min Suk Kang and Bang Chul Jung.
In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2010.
“Decentralized Intercell Interference Coordination in Uplink Cellular Networks using Adaptive Sub-band Exclusion.”
Min Suk Kang and Bang Chul Jung.
In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2009.
“Performance Analysis of Four Different Downlink Data Relaying Schemes in Cellular Systems.”
Min Suk Kang, Bang Chul Jung, and Dan Keun Sung.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium of Communication and Information Technology (ISCIT), 2007.
“Adaptive Interference-Aware Multi-Channel Clustering Algorithm in a ZigBee Network in the Presence of WLAN Interference.”
Min Suk Kang, Jo Woon Chong, Hyesun Hyun, Su Min Kim, Byoung Hoon Jung, and Dan Keun Sung.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium of Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2007.
“Energy-Aware Communication Module Selection through ZigBee Paging for Ubiquitous Wearable Computers with Multiple Radio Interfaces.”
Su Min Kim, Jo Woon Chong, Byoung Hoon Jung, Min Suk Kang, and Dan Keun Sung.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium of Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2007.
“Ubiquitous Wearable Computer (UWC)-Aided Coexistence Algorithm in an Overlaid Network Environment of WLAN and Zigbee Networks.”
Byoung Hoon Jung, Jo Woon Chong, Su Min Kim, Min Suk Kang, and Dan Keun Sung.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium of Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2007.
Journal Papers:
“Self-Organizing Networks for Next-Generation Wireless Communications.”
Min Suk Kang, Bang Chul Jung, Kyuho Son, Yung Yi and Song Chong.
SK Telecom Review - Invited Paper, Vol. 19, No. 4, Sept. 2009.
“A Pre-whitening Scheme in a MIMO-Based Spectrum-Sharing Environment.”
Min Suk Kang, Bang Chul Jung, Dan Keun Sung, and Wan Choi.
IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 831-833, Nov. 2008.
“Effect of Cooperative and Selection Relaying Schemes on Multiuser Diversity in Downlink Cellular Systems with Relays.”
Min Suk Kang, Bang Chul Jung, and Dan Keun Sung.
Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2008.